
Protection Plan

We accept additional responsibility in relation to the goods as described in condition 1 (below) and the additional terms set out in conditions 3 to 13 (below).

Our Agreed Responsibility 

Under the Protection Plan We will be responsible for loss or damage to your goods in store with us for the following -  fire, lightning, explosion, earthquake, aircraft or articles dropped therefrom, riot and civil commotion, malicious damage, storm, flood, water ingress, burst pipes and escape of water from fixed installations, moth and vermin damage, impact by road vehicles and theft following forcible and violent means of entry and /or exit from their premises.

1.Our total liability under agreed responsibility per incident of theft, loss, damage or deterioration shall in no circumstances exceed the lower of (i) the full declared replacement value of the relevant goods and (ii) £50,000).

2. We will be responsible for and bear the risks arising from the perils listed and other matters within our reasonable control subject to condition 2.1 and the additional terms set out in conditions 3 to 13.

2.1       We exclude all liability in respect of loss or damage: 

to your business (if any) any business interruption or loss of any business opportunity or profits, or any indirect loss or damage to your business; or 

that it is not foreseeable consequence of the breach. Loss or damage is foreseeable if either it is obvious that it will happen or if, at the time this Agreement was made, both we and you knew that the loss might happen

    Except as stated in this addendum, we will accept responsibility for the named perils. We will compensate you up to the full new replacement value of the relevant goods, except where the new replacement value of the goods exceeds £50,000 will only be agreed when confirmed in writing by us.

    We do not carry out any valuation of the goods and replacement value as stated by you in the inventory in your application form is accurate and true, You are responsible for ensuring that the full new replacement value of goods you have notified to us is accurate throughout the licence period and you should also carry our regular reviews of the goods to ensure that this is the case.

    Goods subject to specified limitations or exclusion

    Bullion and money or every description for example, but without prejudice to the generality of this clause; cash, bank notes, coins, currency notes or currency of any kind

    Stamps, vouchers, tokens and/or tickets of any kind, credit and/or debit and/or cash dispenser cards of any kind, negotiable securities and any other documents negotiable as or equivalent to cash, and non-negotiables for example, but without prejudice to the generality of this clause; crossed cheques

    Livestock, bloodstock and living creatures

    Explosives and flammable goods.

    Watches, jewellery (costume jewellery excepted), precious stones or gems or metals or items made from or containing such interests

     Foodstuffs regardless of the means of packaging

    Furs, fine art, antiques, perfumes, mobile phones, tobacco products, beers, wines and spirits and the like which exceed a value of GBP 10,000 combined total.

    Electronic items exceeding GBP 10,000 in combined total. Electronic items by way of example but not limited to shall be commercial appliances and instruments, radios, televisions, computers, computer software, hard drives, microchips, printed circuit boards, modems, monitors cameras, facsimile machine, photo copiers, video recording units, hi-fi systems, CD players. Heavy electronics such as switchgear, turbines and generators shall not be considered as electrical items for the purpose of this clause.

      Any items or goods which are excluded under the terms of the standard self-storage licence agreement.

      Loss of data records and any data carrying media, except for blank data carrying media.

    Any item consisting of articles that are part of a pair or set where we will only compensate you for the individual damaged or lost item(s). We will not compensate you for companion pieces which are not lost or damaged.

      In respect of theft from external storage containers, you must use a high security padlock

All external storage containers are fitted with “lock boxes” and the high security padlock, must secure the doors by using the “lock box”. The “lock boxes” are fitted as a means of preventing tampering of the high security padlocks.

We shall not be liable to indemnify you, where the high security padlock has been incorrectly fitted to the external storage container.

Proof that high security padlocks have been fitted correctly in the “lock box” is your responsibility.

Any incident resulting from theft or where theft may reasonably be suspected shall be reported by you to the us and police immediately.